Become A Member as a Veteran of a Foreign War

The Ed Martino VFW Post 4615 welcomes new members every year and currently boasts around 600 members between veterans, auxiliary, and social members.. We encourage veterans from all age ranges to join, as our club focuses on providing a fun social environment with opportunities for community outreach and leadership. The average age of our members is about 50-70 years, but we are gaining popularity with the younger crowds as well. Located in downtown Tipp City, VFW Post 4615 is a convenient place to stop in for a quick hello, a drink, and free popcorn and pool. We also host several social events, such as Steak Frys on the first Saturday of the month during the cold months, game nights, brunches, golf tournaments and more. We support different organizations with our charity funds including the foodbank and the Ohio Law Enforcement K9 Association. Our auxiliary officers provide feel-good services to the community, such as monthly visits to patients at the Dayton VA with snacks and smiles.

WE PAY YOUR 1ST YEAR!!!! Dues are $40 per year and we also offer life-time memberships. Officer meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Recent military service and medical records are not online. However, most veterans and their next of kin can obtain free copies of their DD Form 214 (Report of Separation) military service records online:


If you need assistance obtaining your military records, then contact any County Veteran Service Officer:

  • Miami County Veterans Services
    Phone: (937) 440-8126
  • Ohio Department of Veterans Services
    77 South High Street, 7th Floor
    Columbus, OH 43215
    Phone: (614) 644-0898

Become an Auxiliary Member

Download Auxiliary Brochure

Eligibility Requirements for VFW Auxiliary Membership

Members must be at least 16 years old. Those eligible are:

  • Husband/Wife
  • Widower/Widow
  • Father/Mother
  • Grandfathers/Grandmothers
  • Sons/Daughters
  • Grandsons/Granddaughters
  • Brothers/Sisters

When you join the VFW Auxiliary, you'll have the opportunity to:

  • Support Veterans, Service Members, and Their Families
    The VFW Auxiliary offers numerous avenues for service, such as hospital volunteering, the adoption of military units, and promoting patriotism. Anyone with a heart for veterans can count their membership as an important way to stand with veterans and the military community on Capitol Hill and in local legislative battles affecting them.
  • Receive Service Benefits
    The VFW Auxiliary is pleased to offer members access to one of the nation's largest networks of money-saving products and services in the insurance and benefits industry. This includes:
    • Discounted policies for life, health, accident, long-term care, and dental insurance, along with many other benefit plans.
    • Access to discounts on products and services that are important to you - including local offers!
    • Credit cards and certain financial services available through USAA.

You will need to obtain the Veteran's Military DD214. If you are a veteran or next-of-kin of a deceased veteran, you may now Request Military Service Records from the National Archives. Recent military service and medical records are not online. However, most veterans and their next of kin can obtain free copies of their DD Form 214 (Report of Separation) and the following military service records any of the ways listed at this government link:


Join our post and get access to all we have to offer.


Learn more about what events are happening!

Photos from our Post

VFW Photo

VFW Photo

VFW Photo

VFW Photo

Who We Are

Supporting the Veterans of our Communities. Join today! First-time memberships are free for the first year, just stop in! Don't forget your DD214.

Contact Us

121 E Main St, Tipp City, OH 45371